Intensive Care Unit

About Us

  • The General ICU is a 10 bedded ICU located on the 1st floor of the multi system hospital.
  • It is run by dedicated staff which includes, the Intensivist/anesthetists, ICU trained nurses and other supporting members of staff.
  • The ICU boasts of state of the art equipment which tends to different classes of patients.
  • AMSH has two ICUs, the general and the cardiac ICU.

General ICU

  • Each bed of the ICU is automated to bring about different positions which enables immediate life-saving procedures and adequate nursing services.
  • The automated pneumatic compression device helps to prevent venous stasis in patients at risk of deep vein thrombosis.
  • As well as being a pneumatic bed, it helps to prevent bed sores.
  • AMSH produces its own oxygen from a dedicated oxygen gas plant, which serves the ICU and entire hospital, allowing uninterrupted supply for patents need.
  • Our ventilators are new generation ventilators which provide various modes to suit individual needs of the patients either invasive or non-invasive modes. Another feature of our ventilators is the capacity to being able to deliver ventilation even to paediatric patients up to 2kg neonate.
  • Each bed is also equipped with adequate number of infusion pumps to provide ionotropic support for cardiovascular needs. The volumetric pumps also aids with accurate fluid balance for patients in need.
  • Every patient is monitored with a dedicated multi-parameter monitor, which serves for both invasive and non-invasive monitoring.
  • The ICU is also equipped with new generation arterial blood gases (ABG) machines which helps to give point of care analysis and therapy for ventilated patients.
  • The ICU has a dedicated X-ray machine.
  • Also available at the ICU is a state of the art Echocardiography machine for diagnostic purposes
  • A dedicated ECG machine which is able to give a 12 lead ECG reading to compliment the 5 lead ECG on each patient’s multi-parameter monitor, for those in need.
  • A dedicated fibre optic bronchoscope for adequate tracheobronchial toileting in patients being mechanically
  • The defibrillator in the ICU not only serves to defibrillate or give synchronised cardioversion, it also has a transcutaneous venous pacing capabilities for symptomatic cardiac patients.
  • A dedicated transport (mobile) mechanical ventilator is available to receive patients from the helipad to the ICU.
  • Our ICU will not be complete without mentioning our amiable and dedicated ICU nurses who are ever ready to support physical, social and spiritual needs of our patients.


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